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The Bucket

Cross everything off your golf bucket list

Enter for a chance to win $20,000 USD from Takomo to turn all your golf dreams into a reality.

Fill in your details

Money Stack

What would you do with $20,000 USD to spend on golf?

That’s right... We want to give you (well... one of you) the opportunity to cross off every item on your golf bucket list. We have a pool of $20,000 USD which one lucky winner will get to spend on the coolest, biggest, wildest, golf bucket list items that they can think of.

Oh, the possibilities...

Sooo, uhm... Golf St.Andrews? ⛳

Great idea, love that. Write that down, Bucketboy!

Go to the Masters? 🏆

You might be able to get tickets aftermarket, but you didn’t hear that from us.

40.8 sets of Takomo 101s?

Strange choice but okay... We support you. ❤️

Wild fashion and lots of cigars? 😏

People will mistake you for a VIP in no time. 😂

Seriously though, read on...

Inspire me more

Whatever is on your bucket list, let’s cross it off.

Here’s what you could win

1 Budget Image

$20K bucket... sorry, budget

Win $20,000 USD to be spent exclusively on golf and golf-related experiences.

2 Clubs

Irons and wedges

No bucket list is complete without a gleaming, hot-off-the-press set of Takomos.

3 Bragging Rights

Bragging rights

Brag to all your friends about all the crazy golf stuff you get to do in 2025/2026.

Let’s get into the details...

  • Anything golf related or related to a golf trip. This really depends on what’s on your bucket list. Want to play Tara Iti Golf Club in New Zealand? The round, flights, accommodations, balls, tees and meals are all covered (up to $20,000 USD, of course). There are only a few limitations here. We don’t buy you competitor’s clubs. Lol.

  • Takomo won’t send you cash. This would get you absolutely bonked on your income tax. Rather, we’ll work with you on your bucket list and pay directly for whatever you need, whenever you need it. You’ll work directly with a member of the Takomo team to achieve this.

  • The key limitation: if it’s always been on your bucket list to have a bag of wildly expensive clubs, we don’t support your dream there, buddy. We’ll only help you tick off bucket list items that are related to golf and aren’t competitor clubs.

  • Soon after the campaign ends on April 14

  • April 14, 2025

  • No. One entry per person. Don’t even think about it. One of you wrote a script last year to submit multiple times using a bunch of fake emails on the last giveaway. We had to delete all of those entries and it was really annoying. We’re watching you....

  • We’ll notify the winner via email. The email will come EXCLUSIVELY from a @takomogolf.com email address. Not social media and not via DM. Those are all probably scams.

  • We’ll work with you directly to book and pay for everything you need to start crossing items off your bucket list.

  • No, no, no. That’s why we’re not sending you cash, rather, we’ll handle the booking of and paying for items on your list.

  • Absolutely not. Stop asking.

  • Everyone, baby.

  • Kinda. We’ll announce the winner and if it’s not you, you can safely assume that you didn’t win.

  • Sure can. (And yes, we’ve received a questionably high volume of DMs asking us this very question, but we’re not here to judge–you freaks can (almost) do whatever you want with the money).